Wednesday, August 29, 2012

25 Weeks and Growth Ultrasound

I'm actually 27 weeks as I write this and we just got the ultrasound today...but here is my 25 week belly shot.  I feel fine and this baby boy moves almost constantly.  He is measuring 3 days ahead of schedule (how the OB comes up with this stuff I do not know), is in the 57th percentile for weight (2pounds 6 oz).  I predict he will be smaller than Liberty's 9lbs 22in, and come early rather than late (7 days!) like she did.  I've gained 20 pounds so far.  Liberty is the most enthusiastic sibling in the world and her little brother isn't even here yet!  She often brings him toys or blankets and will start a random dinner conversation with "I think we need to buy our baby boy a crib at Target".  lol  She thinks of him constantly.  Actually, for her weekly show and share at preschool she is bringing her "BIG SISTER" book.  She has started a pile of toys for "when our baby boy comes" and always wants to add to it things she sees that we have stored away (like the infant car seat/bumbo/etc).  Daily we watch videos of when she was a tiny baby.  She seems to have a real grasp about all the things our baby won't be able to do.  She told the OB today "Our baby will only have a tiny bit of hair."  And she mentions how he will only drink milk and won't have any teeth and how we'll have to teach him to say mama/dadda.  I'm amazed at how interested she is and it's hard to push off the excitement...but we've started to tell her that her brother will come "after Halloween" so she can at least have some sort of tangible milestone of time.

From BUMP baby #2

face - closed eyes, nose, lips, and arm/wrist/hand - I think the middle picture is the only decent one.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Weekend (GNO, Farmers Market, Splashpad, Potluck, Playdate)

Friday - Girls Night Out at Pizzeria Bianco!
Saturday - Breakfast at Gilbert Farmers Market + Petting Zoo + Splashpad.  Dinner and swimming at neighbors!
Sunday - Neighbor girls over to decorate cupcakes and play play play.  Cookout with family in Fountain Hills.

Amazing what a totally empty weekend can turn into overnight:)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Random Pictures

dress up potty break
From 2012_8_8 - Cupcakes and Dressup

8am cupcakes
From 2012_8_8 - Cupcakes and Dressup

ebay helper - anyone in the market for some bears my aunt collected?
From 2012_8_20 - Skirt by Kris

2nd Day of Preschool
From 2012_8_16 - Preschool

Saturday, August 18, 2012

1st Day at Preschool!

Liberty is in the 3s program at Wilkins Learning Center. She goes Tuesday/Thursday 8:45am-11:45am. Dropping her off for her first day went great - she happily held Mrs. Ratliff's hand to the playground area and gave me a hug/kiss goodbye. I went to my car and cried a little and then had to get going to my MOPS group that meets during the same time.

The first thing she told me at pickup was "I made a beautiful painting for you mommy!" and we went home with like 3 crafts already! (we don't have an easle at home, so I think that's particularly thrilling - and she got to use LOTS OF BLUE PAINT). I asked her teacher if she was at all weepy and she said she wasn't. And I asked if she went potty and she said she DID ASK HER and went - which shocked me because I put her in shorts that had a button/zipper that I've never seen her do - so I think she got some major help. I asked Liberty who helped her get her shorts off and she said Mrs. Ratliff - so I guess I believe her:)

Eventually I got 4 stories out of her.
1 - "A little girl told me "NO!"" - and then that story developed into how they were going to be friends if the little girl named Camryn would be nicer to her. lol
2 - "I got to be a princess and everybody brought me food" - and then the story grew to how she sat in a red chair and was given popcorn. When I asked if anyone else got to eat popcorn she said no - so I'm a little suspicious of this story - and then she did say some of the food was pretend.
3 - Then Liberty started singing a song "pokey pokey bumble bee - can you say your name for me?" So I think they played a little name game song.
4 - "I ate teddy grahams, fig newton cookie and 3 mike&ikes candies!" - and "I threw away the bag in the trash" so I noticed she only ate the special "junk treats" I packed as snack and left the healthy stuff alone:)