Sunday, February 21, 2010

34.5 weeks

Here is a (tardy) belly shot picture for 34 weeks. After my next appointment I will see the Dr. EVERY WEEK. Liberty's due date is still March 31st, but I'm convinced she'll come the first week in April sometime. I'm feeling good. Trying to walk a lot since standing and laying down are much more comfortable than sitting for me. I have a pretty constant ache/pain at the top of my uterus that I get from sitting up straight. Hopefully this will go away when she drops and get's ready for her birthday! Upcoming posts should include installing the car seat and unveiling the nursery! Stand-by!

1 comment:

  1. You two are so adorable! I wish I was the new expecting Grandma, ahhh maybe someday for me! Keeping a watch for nursery pictures too!
