Monday, August 19, 2013

Preschool for Liberty (4s)

Last year Liberty loved preschool so much. She was in the 3s class and is now in the 4s class which meets MWF 9-12pm.  ?Next year she'll do Pre-K 4 days a week.  She has the same teacher Mrs. Ratliff who sincerely loves Liberty and thought of her often over the summer and texted/called us to say so.  Mrs. Ratliff knows my daughter and her obsession with blue, cats, princesses, her little brother and kindness. Liberty was so excited to get back to Wilkins Learning Center and show off Henry and tell everyone that he got his first tooth and has been scooting around and other random stories I swear she saves up to tell people (including telling Mrs. Ratfliff after she complimented Liberty's blue outfit that Grandma bought her this blue skirt with ponies on it to wear for the first day of school)

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