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Monday, December 28, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Patrick and Michaela's Wedding
My brother Patrick and his fiance Michaela were married on December 27th - such a nice celebration with close friends and family. Welcome to the family Michaela (and baby J too of course!). Hopefully the photographer got a picture of Cameron and I together - because judging by this slideshow Cameron's brother Andy was the most photographed baby-holder of the event!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas in Flagstaff
Christmas in Flagstaff was so much fun this year! Our nephews Jameson (10 months) and Charlie (8.5 months) were really into opening all their gifts. We ate like kings at both the Wheelers and Wyatts, tried to enjoy the snow/freezing temperature, and got to see Patrick for probably the last time before he is deployed to Afghanistan.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
25 Weeks - about 100 days to go!
Here is the belly shot for 25/40 weeks! Our baby is kicking a lot now and has favorite times and a favorite position she will make the most movements. I've seen my belly twitch only a little bit - I can't wait for more powerful kicks as she gets bigger. Cameron has felt her kick some too - but she's saved all her really crazy movements for right after he falls asleep. I've woken him up at 11pm, 2am, 4am - but I'm sure that game is getting old and I'll just have to be more patient - I just want her to kick daddy so bad! It's my Christmas wish! Right now she is about 1.5 pounds and about 13.5 inches long! The first week in January (28 weeks) we go for another elaborate ultrasound so stay tuned.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Cookie Exchange
I hosted a wine tasting and cookie exchange party for the East Valley Married Women's meetup. Fifteen ladies attended and I had a great time having company over in the new house - the kitchen worked so well for this type of event! Feel welcome to come over and help me eat some cookies:)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
SES Company Christmas Party
The SES Christmas Party is always something I look forward to each year. All those Irish employees are so nice - they always have an open bar - and they know how to throw a good party. This year was no different. It was a formal 1970's theme at the ultra-snazzy W Scottsdale resort. We had a 4 course dinner, a full bar (Shirley Temple for me please), and a band that encouraged lots of 1970's grooves. We left before the tequila shots started - but it was still fun to meet all the SES people that so admire Cameron and all the hard work he puts in.

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
We had Thanksgiving in Flagstaff with the Wheeler's on Thursday and with the Wyatt's on Friday - lucky us! Both meals were soooooooo good.
Fountain Hills, AZ
Fun with friends in Fountain Hills, AZ! Spent the day enjoying the park and hanging out with baby Sienna (8 weeks) and baby Ella (6 months). Kelly and I brought our in utero babies too - (she's 17 and I'm 22 weeks pregnant). The husbands played Disc Golf and then we all had lunch together.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
20 weeks - 1/2 way there!
20 more weeks from now our baby girl will be here! Everything is going well. I THINK I feel her, which sounds so dumb because everyone tells me I'll know - but I feel strange movements but they never last more than a moment and then I think I imagined it. I'm giving it 2 more weeks until I freak out that she's not moving enough. She is aprox. 10 ounces and 10 inches head to toe.
UPDATE: Okay, I'm 21 weeks and I've felt her:) 8:30pm seems to be her favorite time to wiggle(probably because daddy's home!)
I've gained 6.6 pounds this pregnancy so far which I find AMAZING since I've gone through almost 3 pies in the past 3 weeks. It's a miracle - but Dr. says it will be about a pound per week from here on hello 20+ more pounds - bring it!
UPDATE: Okay, I'm 21 weeks and I've felt her:) 8:30pm seems to be her favorite time to wiggle(probably because daddy's home!)
I've gained 6.6 pounds this pregnancy so far which I find AMAZING since I've gone through almost 3 pies in the past 3 weeks. It's a miracle - but Dr. says it will be about a pound per week from here on hello 20+ more pounds - bring it!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
It's a GIRL!!!
Our baby due 3/31/2010 is going to be a baby GIRL! We had a great ultrasound and learned a lot about her - the nurse called her "Taco Lady" since she insisted on being curled up with her chin to her belly and her feet over her head (picture #1). But she did give us the IT'S A GIRL view without any doubts (picture #2)
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Old Wives Tales - Gender Prediction
Cameron and I did 10 old wives tales to predict the baby's gender. If we listen to the myths including acne/looks, even/odd age/year, Chinese chart, heartbeat speed, carrying high v. low, brazil chart - they all point to a girl. If we listen to the ring on string, pick up key or cravings myths they point to a boy.
Click Here to take survey
Also, strange I haven't had any dreams. Cameron has had 1, and the baby was a girl.
Place your vote and we will let you know on Oct. 30th if the baby is a boy or girl!!!
Click Here to take survey
Friday, October 9, 2009
15 weeks - a real bump!
Here is a picture of me 15 weeks pregnant -that's almost 4 months!! - in a couple of weeks we will find out if we are having a boy or girl!! I now require a bella band to hold up my pants and a few people (like clients) have now figured out I'm expecting and not just fat. Oh and I hit the maternity clothes jackpot: my sister gave me two boxes full of her fashionista wardrobe from when she was pregnant of course! 175 days to go!
Our New Address
We moved! We are still in lovely Gilbert, AZ - just a bigger/better house! Come visit - we now have a legit guest room - and a pool!
The Wyatts
3129 E. Park Ave.
Gilbert, AZ 85234
Friday, September 18, 2009
12 week Ultrasound
Our baby is starting to look like a baby, and is about the size of a lime. Cameron especially likes the last picture because that kick and punch we caught on sonogram reveals long arms like Cam! I like the second picture because it was our first profile shot and we can see a forehead and a nose:) Next time we see our baby we will find out if we are having a son or a daughter!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Charlie's Baptisim! I'm a godmommy!
I'd like to thank Charlie, for being an adorable godchild and for sleeping on my shoulder for most of the sacrament. I'd like to thank Kelly and Doug, for being thoughtful Catholic parents, letting me hold him, and for asking me to watch over the spiritual development of their firstborn. I'd like to thank Fr. Jude, for remaining calm as he blew out the candle and started over. I'd like to thank Kathy, who got some good pictures - especially of Charlie in a dress! hahaha. j/k
Seriously, it was an honor to welcome Charlie into the church community and to share such a special day with a loving family.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Labor Day in Flagstaff
We were in Flagstaff for Labor Day weekend to celebrate Charlie's bapitism and my mom's birthday. And there is no stopping Auntie Becky from taking a photo shoot of the nephews!! Can't believe my nephews Jameson (6 months) and Charlie (5 months) are getting cuter by the day.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
First Trimester
My first trimester (13 weeks) is almost over. So far I've been blessed with an easy pregnancy - I'm just hungry every 2 hours which is terrible for someone like me with no cooking skills/desire! Lots of pickles, PB&J sandwiches, apples w/peanut butter, pasta salad and cereal - and then Cameron comes home and I get a real meal!
I've gained 2 pounds so far and have some minor pregnancy symptoms.
When is the part where you GLOW?
I'm undecided if I'll keep up with the belly shots.
Here is me at 5 weeks and 10 weeks pregnant.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
We're Pregnant!
We are having a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Due: March 31, 2010
Here is baby's first picture at 9 weeks (heard/saw heartbeat of ONE baby)
We will be finding out the gender at 19 weeks and will have a MUCH better ultrasound picture at that time:)

Friday, August 28, 2009
Samineh's Baby Shower
My friend Kelly Marti and I hosted a baby shower for Samineh & Josh Heppner - who are expecting a baby girl on October 8. It was such a nice party with lots of new friends from bookclub and the married women's meetup.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Westin Resort Staycation
Our friends Samineh and Josh invited us to enjoy a weekend at the Westin in Scottsdale. Our mutual friends Kelly and Ben also spent the weekend as we played tourist in Scottsdale. The weekend was full of relaxing by the pool or in the lazy river, cheering Cameron during a watermelon eating contest, a 4 course dinner at White Chocolate Grill, and some disc golf for the guys.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Pinetop Golf Tournament
Monday, July 20, 2009
Boston Vacation - July 4th
We vacationed to Boston, MA for Independence Day. We took a culinary tour of North End (little Italy), saw all the sites on the Freedom Trail and attended the Boston Pops Spectacular Firework celebrations with guest performer Neil Diamond. Our hotel was a converted historic firestation in Cambridge. We spent most of the trip at historical sites, enjoying the 75 degree weather in Boston's parks, and dining at all the best resturaunts known to locals. There are 250 pictures on this slideshow.
To view thumbnails of all the pictures you can click the slideshow and then select VIEW ALL to glance through them.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Flagstaff & Sedona Vacation with Friends
Our friends, Kelly & Ben and Samineh & Josh, spent a weekend in Flagstaff with us. This getaway was a true Flagstaff experience - complete with breakfast at Macy's, shopping downtown, skyride up Snowbowl, a steak cookout and ice cream in Sedona! The guys had some extra adventures riding in the Mustang to play disc golf, playing a round of pool and being fascinated with solar trash compactors.
Nephew Charlie at 6 weeks
While visiting Flagstaff I took these pictures of my nephew Charlie. My new favorite challenge is catching his first smiles on film!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Breakfast at Joe's Farm Grill
This weekend we played around our town of Gilbert. We also treated ourselves to breakfast at our local and famous Joe's Farm Grill. Read my review here.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Cameron's New Position at SES

Cameron wanted this promotion and got it! He will be organizing the build site for the solar dishes he was so instrumental in designing and testing.
Stirling Energy Systems (SES) ANNOUNCMENT:
Cameron Wyatt appointed Field Assembly Engineer.
Cameron’s abilities and his experience at SES over the past year lend themselves to the challenges we face in developing our capabilities for deploying SunCatchers in the field. He possesses an in-depth understanding of the dish structure as well as a broader knowledge of the other SunCatcher sub-systems. Cameron has been dedicated to developing the technology, design philosophy, assembly and manufacturing processes as well as building good working relationships with our partners. He has played an important role in Jim’s Dish team through to completion of the XO build and we expect his skills and enthusiasm will contribute to the success of SES site operations.
In this new role, Cameron will work closely with our manufacturing and engineering teams as well as our key suppliers to help develop, implement and optimize assembly and installation capabilities. He will also work closely with our Supply Chain and EPC teams to ensure smooth interfaces with our suppliers and with contractors developing the site. I am confident that Cameron’s background and past experience will prove to be very valuable as we move forward into the commercialization phase.
I heart
Two years ago I began a book club and a married women's social group on Since then I have met some really great local ladies and have gotten to do a bunch of fun activities. Here are a few of our past events: painting pottery, dream dinners, chick flicks, spa day, wine tasting, bunco, historic home tours, brunch, yoga class, sushi, couples bowling, movie nights, charity walks, hikes, dinner out, game nights & manicures and martinis. See what we are doing next.
Nephew Charlie at 5 weeks old
While in Flagstaff for the day showing my sister property I took these pictures of Charlie. He is starting to smile! However, when I changed the flash settings he did not appreciate it and you can see in the pictures he puts his serious face back on. We had him going for awhile. In a few more weeks I bet he'll be laughing.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Boating at Canyon Lake
Our friends Kelly and Ben invited us boating with them! We had the best time cruising the lake, swimming, trying the marina restaurant and Cameron even did some tubing with Josh.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day Goodbye to Patrick
This Memorial Day we got to visit our baby nephews and also spend some quality time with Patrick before he leaves for Ft. Benning, GA. He's in the Army now and we had a farewell BBQ in his honor on Memorial Day. Here are some pictures from that fun day!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Saguaro Lake & Schnepf Farm
Went with friends on the Desert Belle Paddleboat cruise of Saguaro Lake. Learned some Arizona trivia from Captain Mike and had a good time with our friends. Now we are wishing we had a boat. Saguaro Lake is a 35 min drive from our house.
Later the Wyatt's came to visit to celebrate Mother's Day. We went to Schnepf Farm to pick our own organic peaches during the annual Peach Pickin' Festival.
Saguaro Lake,
Schnepf Farm,
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Kelly's NAU Graduation
Kelly walked at her NAU graduation while Doug held 10 day old Charlie. We had a party for her following the ceremony - Charlie stole the show of course.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Chevelle at Firebird Raceway
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I'm an Aunt - again!
My sister Kelly and her husband Doug welcomed Charles Andrew Helsel into the world on April 28th, 2009. I drove up to Flagstaff and got to see Charlie on his birthday!

Sunday, March 15, 2009
I'm an Aunt!
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